10 benefits of Living in your own world

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With all the instability and insanity we have around us, it is a challenge to not feel overwhelmed.

Living in your own world, simply maintaining your own personal space where you can retreat – be it a physical place or an attitude, a state of mind – can have tremendous benefits. Here are ten:

    1. Creative Independence: When you live in your own world, you are truly free to imagine and create without constraints or boundaries. Your world is ENTIRELY YOUR OWN. You can to think outside the box, pursue new ideas, and be creative without concerns over what anyone else thinks or says. 
    2. Emotional Freedom: The freedom from outside criticism – or rather the freedom of caring about outside criticism – feels like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. There is no pressure from the outside world because you don’t care. You’ve tuned them out. They have no say in what you do or how you feel. You control your own environment and your own emotions. This is not to be confused with narcissism. That’s an entirely different mindset. This is all about giving yourself permission to be your own person. To be true to yourself. 
    3. Enhanced Focus: The freedom you enjoy by living in your own world means you can direct your efforts toward those things that matter most to you. You can tuen out distractions that are not beneficial to promoting your personal goals and priorities. 
    4. Escape From Stress: Living in your own world can to a large degree eliminate or at the very least reduce daily concerns and worries, providing a mental break and giving you a chance to detox and rejuvenate. 
    5. Self-Awareness: In your own world, you can pursue your own thoughts, your feelings, and decide for yourself who you are and who you want to become, providing you a deeper understanding of yourself. This might not be possible in the outside world. 
    6. Increased Self-Confidence: In your own world, you are the one setting the rules, and this means you are free to try things without the fear of failure or criticism. This can build your self-confidence. You are playing and working by your own rules – which by the way you are free to adjust, change, or disregard at your own discretion. If you fail, you learn from it and move on without anyone to criticize you. You gain confidence as you go because you are making decisions and learning as you gain experience. Of course, one of the lessons you learn as you go is that mistakes can be expensive. Along with this newfound freedom comes consequences and responsibility. 
    7. Learning to Solve Problems By necessity, you will now view obstacles and challenges from a different point of view. You will learn to create solutions that might not be obvious on the surface. 
    8. Independence: Living in your own world requires you to be self-sufficient. You are relying on your own inner resources to find your way through the challenges that pop up every day. You learn to make decisions and accept consequences as well as the rewards. 
    9. Improved Mental Health: In your own world you are free to process your emotions and experiences, seeing things in a different perspective than before. There is still going to be pressure. You won’t always make the right decisions. But you will know how you arrived at your decisions, and that allows you to learn and grow.
    10. A Sense of Empowerment:: You are the one in control in your own world. Again, I’m talking about freedom here. Being in control of your own destiny. Not being in control of the lives of others. The autonomy you will experience can empower you to be in charge of your own life with greater clarity and resolve.

In conclusion: 

It may not be possible to totally shut out the outside world, but it is possible to put yourself in charge of determining how you think and feel, how you go about your business in your own internal world – your mind. How you live your life. It gives you a way of maintaining a calm and rational mind as the outside world spins out of control.


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